When an aging family member requires care in a nursing home, many know to ask about staffing, but sometimes it is difficult to understand what exactly a typical resident needs. It is an important consideration because understaffed nursing homes can be dangerous to residents.
Staffing metrics are often broken down as time per patient per day. So, if for example, a nursing home has one nurse working a 10 hour day with 10 patients, the staffing time can be interpreted as one hour per resident per day. If that same nurse has 20 patients, the staffing time goes down to 30 minutes per patient per day. How much is enough? A federal study estimates that the clinical needs of nursing home patient can be met with anywhere between .55 to .75 registered nurse hours combined with just over 4 hours of direct care from others such as orderlies, nursing assistants, techs or staff members. How does the U.S. measure up to this reasonable standard of care? Not so well it turns out. A 2017 study reveals that 70 percent of nursing homes have staffing levels at 30 minutes per resident per day or less, with some as low as zero minutes per resident per day. Direct care levels from others were also deficient, with 30 percent of nursing homes providing less than 3 hours of care instead of the 4 or more hours needed to care for residents properly. When looking for nursing home care for a family member, ensuring that the home has adequate and competent staffing is one of the most important considerations. Unfortunately, many nursing homes around the country function at frighteningly low levels of staff putting your loved one at risk for injury or premature death so it is critical to ask questions before signing on. Understaffed Nursing Homes Can Be Dangerous to Residents Contact an Experienced Iowa Nursing Home Injury Lawyer If your family member has been injured in an Iowa nursing home, it may very well be due to an unacceptable shortage of staff or staff who lack proper training. In the event your family member is hurt, it is important to seek the help of an experienced Iowa nursing home attorney not only to hold the facility accountable but also pursue compensation for your family member’s injuries. Contact the Des Moines nursing home lawyers of John T. Hemminger for immediate assistance today at 515-283-2116.
In many states the workers’ compensation system allows employees to see their regular doctor, however in Iowa, the employer has the right to choose the medical provider for employees who are injured or become ill at work.
Although you may not be able to see your regular doctor for a work related illness and injury under Iowa workers’ compensation, your employer does have a duty to provide prompt, reasonable care without causing you any major inconvenience. Furthermore, all medical expenses for your work injury or illness provided by the employer approved doctor will be covered. Of course there are situations where a worker can change or choose their doctor. This option typically arises when the employer approved care is not appropriate or sufficient, you have concerns that you have been misdiagnosed or treated, and in situations where the provider is at too great a distance from your home. Depending on the situation, you may want to request a different provider altogether or at least get a second opinion if you have any concerns about a diagnosis or suggested treatment. Your health and the health of a family member is important and receiving the best care can make all the difference following a workplace injury. If you are considering a change in providers following a work injury or illness, it is best to work with an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer to help you prepare and present your case for alternative care. The Des Moines workers’ compensation attorneys of John T. Hemminger have helped many clients navigate the workers’ compensation system successfully to improve their overall care and the benefits they receive. Contact our offices today for a free consultation of your case at 515-283-2116. Bike accidents are down since designated bikes lanes have been marked on Grand Avenue and Ingersoll Avenue in Des Moines. According the officials behind the project, bicyclists and pedestrians are safer with the addition of bike lanes to the heavily traveled corridor.
The Iowa Department of Transportation agrees, reporting that there has been a 2 percent drop in vehicle crashes and a 58 percent reduction in injury accidents since the bike lanes were installed. By all accounts, everything is running according to plan to make the downtown streets easier for bicyclists and pedestrians to navigate. However, as many drivers in the area will tell you, it is sometimes difficult to see bicyclists in the lane as they travel alongside traffic so it is still important to remind bicyclists, pedestrians and motorists that there are risks involved. Many injury accidents occur when pedestrians use bike paths and are struck by bicyclists. Other accidents may involve bicyclists on bicyclists who sometimes collide along the narrow pathways. When cars are added to the mix, some say that motorists may be even less aware of bicyclists in a bicycle lanes than those who share the road, so bicyclists should always drive defensively. Common Accidents in a Bike Lane – Des Moines Bicycle Accident Lawyer
Although, so far, the bike lane program in Des Moines is off to a good start, it is important to remember that bicycle lanes and bike path accidents happen and can result in significant injuries, including traumatic brain injury (TBI). People on bikes or on foot are simply no match for a motor vehicle with an inattentive driver behind the wheel. If You Are Injured In A Bike Lane Accident Contact an Experienced Team of Iowa Personal Injury AttorneysIf you are injured while walking, jogging or riding in a bike lane or pedestrian path, you may have a right to file suit against the person responsible for the accident to compensate you for your medical bills, missed work and also the pain and suffering that resulted from your injury. It is important to discuss your circumstances with an experienced personal injury lawyer who can tell you what options are available to you. Contact the Des Moines bicycle and pedestrian accident personal injury attorneys of John T. Hemminger for help today if you or a family member has been injured in a bike lane or pedestrian path accident. |
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April 2019