Des Moines Neck and Back Injury AttorneyNeck injuries and back injuries can lead to chronic pain, impairments and disabilities. Often, they prevent individuals from ever returning to work or enjoying their lives as they once were able to. If you or a loved one suffered a serious neck injury or back injury, a lawyer can help you pursue the justice you deserve.
Des Moines neck and back injury attorney John T. Hemminger has more than 40 years of experience handling personal injury claims. He is highly skilled in both trial litigation and in settlement negotiations, and he can help you recover fair, just compensation. To schedule a free consultation, call 515-283-2116 or contact our offices online. Our office takes on only a limited number of cases at any given time. This allows us to ensure that each client receives the focused, dedicated representation necessary to bring about the best possible results. We typically handle serious and severe back and neck injuries, often caused by:
Pursuing Full Compensation for Your Neck and Back InjuriesAt the Hemminger Law Firm, we help clients pursue compensation for the full extent of the damage their injuries have caused in their lives. This includes medical bills, future or ongoing medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost enjoyment of life, lost wages and lost earnings potential. In addition, we can help you recover compensation if you need to make changes to your home to accommodate a new disability.
You will work one-on-one with attorney Hemminger. He will personally handle every aspect of your case. If you ever call with questions or concerns, he will respond as quickly as possible so you won’t be left waiting in the dark. To schedule a free consultation with Mr. Hemminger, call 515-283-2116 or contact us online today. |
What We Do Really WellWorkers' compensation
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Personal Injury
Nursing Home Neglect
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Hemminger Law Firm
Personal Injury Attorney 2454 S.W. 9th Street Des Moines, Iowa 50315-1904 Phone: 515-283-2116 Fax: 515-244-6206 |