Des Moines Iowa Personal Injury Lawyers"The Des Moines Iowa personal injury law firm of Attorney John T. Hemminger provides experienced, focused and personal service for seriously injured clients and individuals who lost family members in wrongful death accidents. Attorney Hemminger has more than 40 years of experience in personal injury law. For a free consultation with Mr. Hemminger, call 515-283-2116 or contact us online. Learn more by following the links below."
Motor Vehicle Accidents:
Workplace and Nursing Home Injuries:
Types of Injuries:
Recursos en Español:When someone has been injured and needs an attorney to help him or her recover compensation, we know how important it is to have a lawyer who listens. At the Hemminger Law Firm, we place a heavy emphasis on maintaining open communication between our attorneys and our clients. Whenever you call with a question or concern, Attorney Hemminger or Egbers he will respond as quickly as possible if not immediately.
Attorney John T. Hemminger is a member of the Iowan Association for Justice and the American Association for Justice. He is a highly experienced trial lawyer who will dedicate his skills to helping you attain justice and recover the compensation you need and deserve. Attorney A. Egbers is a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers and past president and current Fellow of The Iowa Academy of Trial Lawyers. He is a highly skilled trial lawyer with more than 40 years of experience successfully representing clients. To schedule a free consultation, call today at 515-283-2116 or contact our offices online. Se Habla Español — Consultas Gratis |
What We Do Really WellWorkers' compensation
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Personal Injury
Nursing Home Neglect
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Hemminger Law Firm
Personal Injury Attorney 2454 S.W. 9th Street Des Moines, Iowa 50315-1904 Phone: 515-283-2116 Fax: 515-244-6206 |